About Alvin W. King

I am Alvin W. King, a passionate agent of transformation engaged in helping others live intentionally, maximize potential, and achieve success in fulfilling their uniquely designed purpose. As a Certified Professional Relationship, Life, and Financial Coach, I provide guidance for achieving mental, physical, financial, spiritual, and relationship goals, through implementing basic concepts and strategies. I serve others by teaching the importance of identifying and being anchored to valuable resources for living beyond the limits and being positioned for purpose.

I am the founder of Fishers of Men International Inc., a non-profit organization that is headquartered in Jacksonville, FL. Through Fishers of Men, we provide an outreach platform fostering mentoring, life coaching, financial literacy, and personal/professional development to men and young boys from all walks of life. As Fishers of Men, we dedicate our time, talent, and resources to the engagement, education, and empowerment of boys and men.

As a young boy losing both parents at an early age, I ventured into manhood by mere experimentation. My journey was filled with various life-changing experiences which taught me that I did not have to do life alone. As my foundation for manhood was being built, I recognized the need to pay my debt to society by positively impacting the lives of others.

As a transformation agent, I can partner in the promotion of being anchored in one’s life purpose. Throughout my life’s experiences, from childhood to adulthood, I was compelled to sow hope and encouragement to others by using various platforms to speak life. In addition to life coaching and motivational speaking platforms, I was inspired to write and publish my first book titled ‘How Do You Score?’ – Maximizing Potential In 5 Key Areas Of Your Life (mentally, physically, financially, spiritually, and relationally). In this book, I share tips on how to discover and implement ways of scoring high in these areas to fulfill our purpose and reach our destinies.

It is indeed an honor and an absolute pleasure to use my talent, gifts, skills, and life experiences to assist others with identifying and carrying out their purpose and being anchored in the calling for which they were created.